Ponytail Project – Thursday 9 May

Stuartholme is excited and to once again participate in the Cancer Council’s Ponytail Project. This is the fourth year Stuartholme has participated in the Ponytail Project, inspired by the pioneering hair cutting and determined efforts of Lily Thomson (2019) and Lucy Baker (2020). Over the last few years our Stuartholme Seniors team has fundraised over to $210, 000, and with 2024 rock the chop event looming, we hope to exceed our goal whilst also donating precious locks to Sustainable Salons.  For those who to wish to support our cohort’s efforts a donation can be made to the team via this link, or you can find student’s fundraising profiles on this page and donate to individuals.

As 1 in 2 Australian men and women will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85, this is a cause many of our students are passionate about. In the lead-up to our Ponytail Project event, we have asked participating Yr 12 students to share their reasons why they are rocking the chop.

2024 Ponytail Project held on Thursday 9 May 3.15pm onwards

Sophia Lyons

I decided to rock the chop and donate 40 cm of hair for the Ponytail project for so many reasons. Of course, cancer is known for the devastating effects it has on both patients battling the disease, and the loved ones that support them, so I see being able to support these people through fundraising and donating hair for wigs as a meaningful way I can give back to the community. In my own life I have loved and lost multiple family members from cancer, so I have first hand experienced the grief that it causes. In my own way, rocking the chop is also a way I can honour their memory and the challenges they faced.

Mia Woodhouse

I’ve decided to rock the chop in May in support of all the people in my life who have been, and still are affected by cancer. I’m driven by fact that just my ponytail, which I often take for granted having throwing it in a bun everyday, can make the world of a difference to someone suffering. I think the biggest thing that has pushed me to rock the chop and raise so much money this year is the way the girls in the years before me have done so with such pride. I’m so excited to be part of something so big, and hopefully make just one girl next year feel a little bit more willing to do the same. #rockthechop