Message from the Dean of Mission

Newsletter Article: Term 2, Week 2 2024

We began Term 2 with assembly and reflected on the importance of new life in this Easter season.  Each of us brings a sense of brokenness to our lives and it is the only way to truly engage with others authentically.  Jesus’ journey through Easter and beyond, continues to guide us, as a community of brokenness, towards a resurrection of healing.

This week we commemorated a moving ANZAC Day in the spirit of the Sacred Heart and took time to remember all of those who have fallen to afford us the opportunity to have freedom as a united community of Australians.

Year 12 student and cadet Lucy Collins shared her insights into what ANZAC Day means to her and beautifully connected the Sacred Heart tradition to the ANZAC spirit linked to the story of Stuartholme.  Principal, Danny Crump led the students in “Laying of the Wreaths” with the Cor Unum leaders and then the boarding captains placed a wreath on behalf of the boarding community.  Thursday morning, boarding students, along with Mr Crump, attended the ANZAC commemoration.

It’s been a wonderful start to the term with our staff and students, as we reconnect and reflect on the Easter season and the sacrifice of our service women and men on ANZAC day.

Andrew Beiers

Dean of Mission